The Roads We Ride.
With autumn departing and winter now at the gates it doesn’t mean the Collective will be packing the bikes in the shed, or restricting ourselves to turbo trainer efforts alone. As our most recent blog post points out, winter has so much to offer. And for any cyclist its a challenging and emotive time of… Read more

Winter is Coming. Ride it.
As day turns to night, winter is within touching distance. Like the tick of an old grandfather clock, it will not be stopped. Inevitable changes in landscape, temperature and light are an ever evolving presence, changeable day by day. On the 21st December, where daylight hours are at their shortest, the winter solstice begins and… Read more

Welcome to our blog
Welcome to Colchesters’ newest cycle collective. ColVélo. In partnership with Vélo Coffee & Cycling, the best cafe and cycle spot in Colchester, ColVélo is a new venture that aims to offer something a little different to the cycle community in Colchester & North Essex. Whether you’re new to the sport of cycling, or a seasoned… Read more