It’s often said that winter miles bring summer smiles. And I’m sure for those that push the envelope in terms of focused training with a goal in mind this holds true.

But for the weekend warriors and recreational cyclist around the world, I’d suggest winter miles bring spring smiles. I’ll explain…

The height of summer and the warmth it brings are a long way from those damp, cold, dark days of winter. But for those that toil from November to March, the reward when you wheel your bike out in March and April, and the sky is bright, it’s warm enough to lose the winter bibs, put on some sunnies and with nothing more than a gillet in your back pocket, clip into your pedals and roll out on a grit and grime free, dry road. Your smile will be ear to ear!

This is the reward for the challenges of winter. Every cyclist can enjoy the spring conditions, but it’s those who braved winter that will gain the most pleasure. You’ll be feeling ok, if not even a little strong as you ramp up the distance that the longer days and more favourable conditions bring. This is a joy and the pay-off for your hard work. The preparation and persistence to ride come-what-may will stand you in great stead for the spring and summer. But we all know it’s the first days of spring are where the smile is widest.

7th & 8th March 2015

Our Rides this weekend experienced some of this early spring magic. 160km on Saturday and 70km on Sunday. Saturdays long ride took in a repeated route from last month that is sure to become a favourite amongst the collective as the year rolls on. Quiet roads and some of the best scenery the region has to offer.  We’ve also finessed the coffee stops to the point of perfection. Keep your eye out for this loop when it rolls around once more. The weather was indeed fine and the roads were dry as a bone. But those March winds can be cruel. Having enjoyed them at our back for half the distance, the second half with the gusts on our nose was quite the challenge. With half of the riders in attendance peeling off at various points in order to make other commitments, it was a hardy few that braved the final 80km’s of headwinds. Lovely riding, but a tough ride all the same.

Sundays shorter ride of 70km saw a fantastic turn out, and we rolled en masse as 12 riders. A ColVelo Collective Micro Peloton! We were joined by a few new faces who we hope will be riding with us again soon. The weather, once more, glorious! And long may it continue. The wind was still strong but this couldn’t dent the resolve of the Collective. Fuelled by good coffee and cake in Hadleigh after 45km, the riders rattled through the final third of the ride at a good pace and in high spirits. This sort of ride and turn out is exactly what we hoped we’d start to see as the weather improved. ColVelo was born as winter took hold, and we greatly appreciate the support and following we’ve had since day one. Now it’s time to enjoy some spring weather and get ready for the great rides and trips we’ve got planned for 2015.

Well done all. Hope to see you this coming weekend for a pair of shorter, but no less sweet rides!