…and into 2017!
ColVelo in 2017 Happy new year everybody. With those GPS stats and ride data zeroed for another year, for many January is the time to make a plan for the months ahead. Be that Winter training for a specific summer goal, a structured plan on how to up that annual mileage, or just looking for… Read more
Colvelo 2016 recap…
So as 2017 begins it seems fitting to gather thoughts on the previous year for Colvelo. There were a number of highlights to reflect on, as the club continues to establish itself both locally and beyond! The list below is by no means exhaustive, it’s simply a recap on the best parts of the year just passed…. Read more
Ride report: East Anglian Echappee 2016
Echappee is a French term, roughly translated as “escape”; a fitting description for this counter-clockwise amble through East Anglia. The ride represents the final leg of the Colvelo “Monument” season which commenced on a misty morning way back in April. A typically Colvelo peloton amassed on Bromley Road headed for Aldeburgh, made up of the… Read more
The Omanyd 2016
The Dunwich Dynamo has been running for 23 years, initially aimed at a handful of bicycle messengers who were required to pass through a series of control points on their 200km journey from east London to Dunwich, on the coast of Suffolk. Fast forward to the present day and the event attracts thousands of cyclists,… Read more
Club ride formats as of August 2016
Some observant members may have taken note that recently we have been experimenting with ride formats – roll-out locations and times, distances, paces and routes. This is to ensure that we maximise the enjoyment for all members, no matter their wants and abilities. Therefore we have devised a loose ride structure which we hope will… Read more